The Benefits of Lucid Dreaming:
People often ask me if, apart from the obvious fun aspects of lucid dreaming whether or not there are more practical benefits.
Learning to lucid dream can have quite an impact on your everyday ‘waking’ life in more ways than one. Apart from the obvious feeling that you have a special skill that ninety percent of the people around you have no idea exists or how to learn it, lucid dreaming has many other practical uses.
Here are a few.
Overcome Your Fears
Some people have found that lucid dreaming is an excellent way to combat re-occurring nightmares. The main problem with people’s nightmares is that they are usually a victim.
Whether they are running away from a monster, being threatened in some way or re-living a traffic accident and seeing themselves or a loved one come to harm, they are always a ‘victim’ in the nightmare with little to no control over how the dream pans out.. There is always a negative element that is oppressing them.
Lucid dreaming can help here because in a lucid dream it’s you that is in control. If you don’t like the nasty monster then wish it away and it will go. If you can become lucid whilst in the middle of a nightmare you can literally take control and end the negative aspect.
Much of the fear in a nightmare is that of being hurt or coming to harm. You cannot be hurt when you are dreaming. That knowledge and empowerment gives many people the edge they need to finally put their nightmares to rest.
Many people have problems with confidence in social situations. Facing those situations in a lucid dream can sometimes help because your actions have no consequences.
Public speaking can be a nightmare for lots of people. Does the thought of giving a speech at a wedding or an after dinner party make your blood run cold? Lucid dreaming is a great way to overcome these obstacles.
Experiencing these situations, although only in a lucid dream can give you added confidence in the real world. Practicing time and time again in a safe little world of your own where nobody can ridicule or harm you can have astounding benefits.
Imagine standing in front of an audience of thousands and then getting up and talking. You can do this because you are in your world and in your world you can do ANYTHING!
Enhance Your Abilities
As any musician will tell you ‘practice makes perfect’. As you will see later in this book, when we lucid dream our brainwave patterns are very similar to when we are fully awake.
This gives us the opportunity to practice things within our lucid dream that will carry through into our waking life. The same mental processes will take place just as though you were practicing in real life. This gives you a much larger scope for practicing because you are not restricted by ‘real life’ hindrances.
When you are lucid dreaming, there is nothing to stop you practicing a new instrument or trying to master a particular difficult piece of music. The very process of performing in your lucid dream will help you in the real world.
If you have a musical recital approaching, you could play a piece of music to a large audience in a lucid dream. The possibilities are limitless.
As any martial artist will tell you, repeated practice of a martial art is essential if a high level of competence is to be achieved. Your brain needs to learn the various different forms and movements so that you can react to a given situation instinctively and without thought.
What better way to go through your different fighting styles and movements than in a lucid dream? In fact there is nothing to stop you fighting with an opponent to improve your sparring skills.
When you become proficient at lucid dreaming there will be nothing to stop you fighting with Bruce Lee himself!
The ability to summon people into your dreams is covered later.
Losing weight is something that almost everybody would like to do at some point in their life, both for health reasons and for self image.
One of the main problems with trying to lose weight is that eating for many people is habit based and not purely because they are hungry. Keeping the brain ‘satisfied’ as well as the appetite is an important part of weight loss.
This is where lucid dreaming comes in. Food cravings can cause people to eat unnecessarily. This excessive calorific intake is what causes weight gain in the first place. Fending off these cravings can help reduce calorie intake and therefore reduce weight.
When you have a food craving, simply tell yourself that you will be able to eat whatever you desire, but it will be later. Then when you have your next lucid dream, you can gorge yourself on as many cream cakes, doughnuts, hot dogs or anything else that you can think of. The trick is to make your brain think that the craving has been satisfied.
When you wake up after the dream, you will not feel ‘full’ physically, but you will feel ‘satisfied’. This technique has proven to be very powerful in helping people lose weight.
One of the more powerful uses of lucid dreaming is creative problem solving. There are numerous techniques that you can use to solve everyday problems whilst lucid dreaming.
Some people are even able to solve complex mathematical problems within a lucid dream whereas others often solve difficult electrical or mechanical design problems.
One very powerful technique is to use a dream character as a doorway to your subconscious. More on this later in the course.
As you can see, the benefits of lucid dreaming are far reaching and limitless. Those that do not know how to lucid dream are missing out on one of life’s greatest experiences.
Before we move onto Step1 of the lucid dreaming process, just to whet your appetite here are some of the things you will be able to do when you have acquired your newfound skills. You will learn more about these skills later.
• Learn how to fly.
• Creative problem solving.
• Sexual encounters.
• Magic powers.
• Walking through walls and windows.
• Traveling into space and exploring the universe.
• Meeting people who have passed away.
• Meeting famous people.
But why stop there? By the time you have completed the steps in this guide, you will be able to do anything that you can imagine. A whole new world will open up to you. A world in which you can do anything your heart desires!
For more, please visit: http://lucidfun.com/