We are constantly impressed by the creativity and resourcefulness of our readers. Latest exhibit? This homemade wall-mounted spice rack David created for his kitchen. Read on for details on how he did it, and links to all the equipment you'd need to recreate this in your own kitchen.

Start by mounting a sheet of stainless steel (http://bit.ly/2iyLJV) to the wall, then gluing neodymium magnets to the tops of one piece canning lids (http://bit.ly/3lReef), filling the jars with our favorite spices, and voilĂ ! A space saving magnetic spice rack!
Here are the resources to be used.
• Brushed Stainless Steel Sheet .035" x 24" x 48", $47.12 at Online Metal Supply
• Neodymium Magnets, $8.99 at Almost Free Magnets
• 4-ounce Quilted Canning Jars, $12.95 for a case of 12 at Kitchen Krafts
• One-piece Jar Caps, $4.95 for 12 at Kitchen Krafts
For such great ideas, please visit: http://www.thekitchn.com/thekitchn/tips-techniques