7 Questions to Help You Discover Your Purpose:
1. What do you love to do?
Your purpose is directly related to what you love. The most purposeful people in the world spend their time doing what they love. Bill Gates loves computers, Oprah loves helping, and Edison loved to invent. What do you love? Is it reading, writing, playing sports, singing, painting, business, selling, talking, listening, cooking, fixing broken things. Whatever you love, it’s directly related to your purpose.
2. What do you do in your free time?
Whatever you do in your free time is a sign of your purpose. If you like to paint in your free time, then that’s a “sign.” If you like to cook, then that’s a sign, if you like to talk, then that’s a sign. Follow the signs.
I love to learn in my free time, I have an obsession with learning. Of course, this is a sign of my purpose …which is to teach.
What do you do in your free time? What would you like to do if you had more free time? Would you teach dance a class or a business course?
3. What do you notice?
A salesman notices an uninspiring sales pitch, a hairdresser notices someone’s hair is out of place, a designer notices a awkward outfit, a mechanic hears something wrong with your car, a singer notices when someone’s voice is out of pitch, a speaker notices an uninspiring speech.
What do you notice? What annoys you?
I notice when information is not presented in a clear, practical, and simplistic form. This is a sign of my purpose. I’m obsessed with practicality and simplicity. When I teach, I try to teach in a very practical and simple way.
4. What do you love to learn about?
What kinds of books or magazines do you like to read? Do you read about cooking, business, or fishing, whatever it is, it’s a sign. I’m always reading about self development, particularly as it relates to successful living. Of course this is also related to my purpose, which is to teach people how to succeed.
What do you love to learn about? If you have a library, what books do you have in that library?
5. What sparks your creativity?
Is it painting, designing, building, speaking, or selling?
Writing sparks my creativity. I often feel like a sculptor or painter when I write. I carefully sculpt ideas on paper, ideas that impacts people’s lives; it’s a very creative process. Each word must be crafted for maximum impact.
What sparks your creativity, do you have ideas for new food recipes, or a new creative automotive Web site?
6. What do people compliment you on?
What “fans” do you have? If no one likes your cooking, then you probably won’t make a good chef.
Do people compliment your writing, or your singing, or your amazing ability to sell? Once again, this is a sign of your purpose.
People always compliment me on my speaking ability, something I was too frightened to do for most of my life. I find it intriguing that my purpose was hidden in something that I was frightened to do.
7. What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?
Would you start a salon, go on American Idol, start your own business? What would you do if success was guaranteed? It’s a sign to your purpose.
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