Ref: http://www.presidiacreative.com

Philippe Sainte-Laudy is a 49 year old photographer from Strasbourg, France, who has an exceptional eye for photography. His ability to frame, compose, and capture a moment in time is incredible, and he is a master of post-processing. Using primarily a Nikon D300, Photoshop, Lightroom, and especially his own two eyes, Philippe continues to capture the essence of life, and share it with the world.
Today, we have 39 awe-inspiring, beautiful images by Philippe, that show off some of the incredible work that he’s done over the years. Each photograph is expertly composed, and will be sure to inspire you on your own photographic ventures.
If you like Philippe’s work, be sure to check out his website, located here: http://www.naturephotographie.net/
Enjoy, and don’t forget to subscribe and share this post if you liked it.

For more please visit: http://www.presidiacreative.com
